"Look, up at the sky. There is a light, a beauty up there, that no shadow can touch."


Name: Jonathan Creed
Race: Half-Elezen Hyur
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual... Mostly. (Like a 1 on the Kinsey Scale)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Goodish
Occupation: Sky Pirate Professor at Lunar Rose Academy


Hair Colour: Bright Orange
Eyes: Emerald Green
Body: Tight and Toned. Clearly the "lifetime adventurer" sort.
Distinguishing Marks: A duelist's scar over his left cheek.


Brief History

A man of dualistic natures. Once a hardened and vengeful Sky Pirate, Jonathan Creed's life was dark for quite a long while. Street-raised after his parents disappearance, he found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, being captured by the Garleans and pressed into service aboard one of their airships.
Through the aid of ingenuity, cunning, friends, and a "metric fâ– ckton'' of luck, he managed to wrest control of the ship from his Imperial captors. Life was good for a while from then on. At least, until the Calamity struck, destroying the ship and killing or scattering all of his friends and crew.
Saved from the brink of death, Creed has continued to live life to the fullest, but with a much brighter outlook, viewing the near-death experience as being blessed with a second chance to live his life anew.
He has recently begun working as a professor at the Lunar Rose Adventure Academy, using the knowledge he has accrued through his years in the field to aid those hoping to do the same things he does. He takes great joy in teaching, as well as messing with his students who start getting a bit too ahead of themselves.


"Confident" is the first word one might use to describe Creed. "Brash" is another popular one. "Easygoing" is a nicer one, but it is often compounded by "frivolous."While Creed has had a lot of bad things happen to him in his life, he has done everything in his power to not let it keep him down. As such, he sometimes has a hard time taking things seriously until the situation is at a boiling point. Luckily he has been able to turn the grand majority of these situations around, so far.Beyond that, Creed has often displayed a very great wellspring of confidence, miraculously without the addition of much ego. Happy to laugh at most anything -- in addition to himself -- with a great wit to help. Sadly, the little ego he does have has a tendency to bite him with most forms of legitimate criticism. He tends to take it harder than he should. (Though, he has been much better about this lately.)In the rare cases where he is being absolutely serious, Creed has displayed a surprising intelligence and a desire for knowledge. "Treasure is fine and all, but look at that relic!" for example. Of course, treasure and knowledge tend to pull him in different directions most of the time. But, more often than not, the most obvious trait of his in a serious situation is how that confidence turns into decisiveness, and the intelligence turns calculating. He was, after all, the Captain of a band of Sky Pirates for several years. He wears it well.It is, of course, impossible to talk about Jonathan Creed without speaking of his "vices," as some may put it. Perhaps it is something to do with the new lease on life, or perhaps it is simply a part of his personality, but Creed is known for excess. Gambling, drinking and partying, yes. But his greatest "vice" is easily the carnal desires burning within him. The man is downright obsessed with the pleasures of the flesh and finds it hard to concentrate on anything else from time to time.Of course, he doesn't view this as a vice. In his opinion, it is simply good fun. A deeper form of friendship and such. So long as nobody is hurt, all is well.

Hello, dear reader! Welcome to the page I whipped up for my man-skank in an hour!As an OOC disclaimer, considering the nature of Creed, I thought I ought to put this up:Yes, I do, and am happy to ERP. Creed is promiscuous, and I don't like leaving much to a black screen. (Also, yes, it is just straight up fun. No shame)
No, Creed is not an ERP-only character. He is my main, and RP'd as a legitimately hypersexual character. Whether one views that as a problem for him or not is up to interpretation.